Fast Teeth Straightening in Mays Landing & Linwood, NJ


Straighter teeth in as little as two weeks!

Dr. John Nosti uses various fast methods of straightening teeth that are moderately crooked or for straightening only the front, visible teeth.

With porcelain veneers he can straighten your teeth in as little as two visits. He can also use braces and aligner solutions (similar to Invisalign®) to straighten front teeth in just three to six months.

Experience you can trust

Teeth Straightening - Dr. John NostiDr. Nosti is a leading cosmetic dentist in the state of New Jersey who teaches cosmetic and advanced dentistry to other dentists. He has considerable training and experience in orthodontics.

He has isolated the methods of straightening that he prefers for creating esthetic, straight smiles without the months or years of traditional orthodontics.

Free Consultation

Straight teeth are an essential part of a beautiful, confident smile. Meet with Dr. Nosti and find out which straightening option would best suit your needs and budget. He’ll explain how the different procedures work and answer any questions you have.

To make an appointment, call 609.625.3499 (Mays Landing), 609.927.8448 (Linwood) or click here to request an appointment online.

Instant Orthodontics with Porcelain Veneers

Teeth Straightening - Lumineers

Porcelain veneers are nearly as thin as a contact lens.

Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin porcelain facings that are placed over the front of teeth to cover blemishes and discoloration, but also can be used to close gaps and to straighten moderately crooked teeth.

Even very badly crowded or overlapping teeth can be straightened with veneers, but Dr. Nosti sometimes recommends some orthodontics prior to veneers placement. Very crooked teeth can require more shaving down of the teeth and there still can be problems with the forces of biting and chewing that could damage your teeth or roots as well as lead to periodontal problems. If he feels it is necessary, Dr. Nosti will recommend a short term of orthodontics with one of the below solutions.

Learn more about our Porcelain Veneers.

Six Month Smiles®—Cosmetic Braces System

Teeth StraighteningSix Month Smiles uses single tooth-colored ceramic wires to straighten the teeth that show when you smile. Average treatment time is only six months.

Six Month Smiles use low force to move teeth gently and is a safe and proven procedure. It is typically less expensive than other orthodontic solutions.

Who are candidates for Six Month Smiles?

Adults and teenagers 15 and over with crooked or spaced teeth are candidates for Six Months Smile. The emphasis is on the cosmetic appearance and not the bite (how teeth come together). For patients needing their bite aligned Dr. Nosti recommends other orthodontic solutions. Most adults are candidates for Six Month Smiles.

Clear teeth straightening with Aligners

Invisalign® clear straightening is the most famous of the clear alternatives to braces. Invisalign uses clear plastic “aligners”, tray-like appliances that fit snugly over your teeth and move them into their optimum position through a series of aligner changes every two weeks.

The aligners are comfortable and can be removed for eating and oral hygiene. Treatment for adults is generally one year to eighteen months, with six-weekly visits to Dr. Nosti.

Dr. Nosti also prescribes the more economical ClearCorrect, which works on the same principle, and SmartMoves®, also more economical. He uses SmartMoves for fast cosmetic straightening and finds it the most comfortable aligner solution for his patients.

Inman Aligners for your crowded lower front teeth

Teeth Straightening

The Inman Aligner has nickel-titanium coil springs that power two aligner bows that gently oppose each other.

Dr. Nosti recommends Inman Aligners to straighten crowded lower front teeth. Treatment takes 6 to 18 weeks, depending on the extent of crowding.

How do the Inman Aligners work?

The Inman Aligner has nickel-titanium coil springs that power two aligner bows that gently oppose each other, guiding the teeth into their new position. The inner bow pushes forward while the outer bow pulls back on the front teeth.

The aligner needs to be worn 16-20 hours per day and requires checks every two to three weeks.

Fixing your bite

Teeth Straightening - JVA Bite Analysis - Dr. John Nosti

Our doctors use the state-of-the-art T-scan for testing your bite.

In some cases it is also necessary to align your bite (how your teeth come together) in order to have an aesthetic smile, as well as comfortable chewing and a pain-free jaw joint (TMJ).

Dr. Nosti uses advanced equipment to test your bite and establish the optimum alignment. He uses the appropriate orthodontic solution for your situation, preferences and budget. For cases that need more work, we partner with excellent orthodontists.

To make an appointment, call 609.625.3499 (Mays Landing), 609.927.8448 (Linwood) or click here to request an appointment online.